
125KHZ RFID Tag (read only)


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China Suppliers Rfid Tag 125K RFID Tag.

(Chip EM4100)

Operating frequency: 125KHZ
Storage capacity: 330bits, 10 district, 8 password
Read-write distance: 3-10CM
Erasable life: more than 100000 times
Size: 51X34X5mm
Packaging materials: PVC. ABS
Data storage time: Minimum 10 years
Operating temperature: -20 to +60° C
Stockage temperature: -20 to +65° C

Compatible with all Door Entry system
Each token pre-programmed with unique ID which is printed on it
Each comes with Key ring included
Compatible with all RFID reader to gain access
No external power required.
Brand new key inductive card for entrance guard system.
Easy to carry
Water resistant