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- 1x Arduino UNO R3 Board
- 1x USB Cable 30cm
- 1x 830 point breadboard
- 1x SG90 Servo Motor 360D Continuous
- 1x DC Motor 5v
- 1x fan Blue
- 1x L293 Driver
- 1x Stepper Motor
- 1x UNL2003 Motor driver board
- 1x Relay 1 Channel Module
- 1x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic
- 1x LCD 1602 screen (2×16)
- 1x(1×40) Pin Header
- 1x Temperature & Humidity Sensor ( shape dht11 but coding dht 22)
- 1x Joystick module
- 1x Passive Buzzer module
- 1x 8X8 Dot Matrix with max7219
- keypad 3×4
- 5x Blue LED
- 5x Green LED
- 5x Yellow LED
- 5x White LED
- 5x Red LED
- 1x RGB LED
- 1x LDR
- 1x 7-Segment Display Cathode
- IC 7448
- 5x PN2222 NPN Transistors
- 4x BC557 PNP Transistors
- 4x BC547 NPN Transistors
- 5x 1N4007 Diodes
- 1x 10k Potentiometer
- 5x 22pF Capacitor
- 5x 0.1uF Capacitor
- 2x 10uF/ 50V Capacitor
- 2x 100uF/50V Capacitor
- 5xpress 4 pin omron yellow
- 5x cap omron yellow
- 100x (220Ω /330Ω/ 100Ω /1kΩ/ 4.7kΩ/ 5.6kΩ/10kΩ/ 100kΩ /1MΩ/2.2MΩ)
- 9V Battery camelion
- 1x 9V Battery DC Connector
- 60 wire m/m,m/f,f/f
- 1x Box
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