PCB Etching Solution 120mL


Etching Solution 125mL

The solution is suitable for etching PCB which can be used in the industry, making engineering projects, tech prototypes for students, technicians and specialist engineers in the field of electricity and electronics, as well as passioners, and it is also suitable for workers in the field of Arts and etching on copper.

The solution is safe and suitable for using in the laboratory or at home, by following simple tech steps to etch one or more PCBs so it saves time and cost.


  • Fast and evenly etching.
  • High accurate etching.
  • Very safe when handling, using and after etching.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Does not damage clothes when touched.
  • 125mL is enough for etching a pure PCB up to 400 sq. cm in (5) minutes at the room temperature (20 to 25 Celsius).